Executive Meetings


DATE HELD:          Saturday April 1st,   2023

LOCATION:         Cheryl Tomalty’s house

                              Burbaby,  BC

Officers in Attendance:

Cheryl Tomalty – President

Alastair Campbell – Vice President and Activities Director

Phyllis Page – Secretary.

Elizabeth Harrold – Social Convenor

Solanges Santerre – Treasurer

Officers on TEAM:  

Susan Higginbotham – Member at Large


Pam Lawson – Member Coordinator


The President,   Cheryl Tomalty,  called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. 

Agenda approved as submitted.

Minutes of Executive Meeting od February 5th approved as submitted.


The first item for discussion was how we will handle the communications function within 4TPlus.   Tim Lepard is happy to manage our communications needs in the future.   He has recently instituted Mail Chimp and Sign Up Genius (SUG)with good results.  No passwords are needed now. Solanges has stated thatthis comment should be removed as a password is required for MailChimp and SignUp Genius. Actually the only person who needs passwords is the Manager of the sites. The membership no longer requires passwords.   Everybody on the Executive Committee was thrilled with Tim’s decision  to continue working with 4TPlus and a motion was passed unanimously.  

On the question of whether he should be on the Executive Committee or help from afar,   the decision is left up to Tim.   We are happy to let him decide which is best for him and the club.

The process on sending out emails to the club members will be for us to email Tim and he will send it out to the members through SUG.  

The Committee still wants every club member to sign the electronic waiver each year.   All members who participate in any club event must have signed the waiver.   When the new membership year starts in September 2023 a renewed push will be made to get this done. Solange has stated that the President will send an email in mid-August to inform members that the Membership Renewal period is September 1st to 30th including payment and waiver sign up.

We now have paid up members.   Solanges noted there are a few inconsistencies in the list and she will forward her items to Alastair who also has a few anomalies to correct.   These will be forwarded to Tim as he is the only person with the ability to alter the membership list.  Once the membership list is corrected a copy will be sent out to all members at the time of the AGM.

Solanges noted that she would like to have the ability to see which sports – downhill ski;   cross-country ski or snowshoe – each member wants to be involved in with the club.   This will help in organizing trips.    Tim will consider this request and suggest ways to show this information.

It was noted by Alastair that a Snowshoe person can organize snowshoe trips as required.   If a member will do the same thing for downhill and cross-country skiing,   then all bases are covered.

The Home Page on our website needs updating.   Each member of the committee was asked to forward their thoughts on these changes to Alastair.

Financial Report:   Solanges noted that we have $6,400.00 in the bank.   Alastair reminded everybody that we will have a D&O insurance premium due in July  2023.


  1. This winter we had five snowshoe adventures and they all were successful and well received.  Participants ranged from 15 to 5 people and they were all fun.   We went to Hollyburn (2);  Bowen Lookout,  Dog Mountain on Mount Seymour and Sea to Sky in Squamish.    
  2. Sun Peaks.  Elizabeth reported that 10 members went on this trip and they all had a great time downhill skiing.  There is talk of organizing another trip next year.

AGM   Our AGM will be held on Friday May 12th at Pennyfarthing Drive.   This venue is available thanks to Barb Alcock.   Cheryl will draft an email for our members and send it to Tim for distribution. 

Summer BBQ   This will be held on July 9th in Pam Lawson’s garden.  

A student journalist from BCIT asked us if we could supply the names of a few members in the 80 plus age range  to participate in a survey on how older folks stay healthy and safe in old age.   Susan Higginbotham agreed to volunteer and Cheryl / Solanges will contact Doug to do the same if he so desires.

A person from the Pacific Medical Training group asked if our club would like to distribute an article on First Aid For The Unconscious.   We decided not to go further on this as our medical training is nor sufficient to help anybody in an unconscious state.

Summer Activities.    Alastair will organize two bike rides and two hikes this summer and see if our membership wants to do these activities.

Golf is another activity which might interest some of our members.   At an earlier time Mary Gurney said she would be interested in organizing a golf event. 

Next Executive meeting will be scheduled in the last half of August.   

A Fall Meeting of our members will be held in mid October with the 13th an early tentative date.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM